Ezekiel 47:13 – Daniel 8:27


Daniel the prophet is an Israelite taken into captivity by the Babylonians.  He is one of the nobles of the time who was well educated, physically fit and quick to learn.  The king of Persia ordered that small group of these type of young men would be assimilated into the service of the palace after a lengthy training period and  Daniel was one of them.  This is where his ministry starts.  There were several other men who were with Daniel when the training took place.  Shadrah, Meshach and Abednego were captives too.  God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning to Daniel and these 3 men.  Daniel himself could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.  Today’s reading includes Daniel’s training, the Kings 2 dreams, Daniel’s interpretations of the both, the handwriting on the wall and the well known story of Daniel in the lions den.


Scripture Daniel 6:26 – 27

26 “I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel.“For he is the living God and he endures forever;  his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end.   27 He rescues and he saves;  he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth.   He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.”



Daniel & The Lions Den


At this place and time, Babylon was a great power in the region. God had placed King Nebuchadnezzar in power and then his son Belshazzar after him.  Daniel was in a place of authority with each of these leaders.  Then Balshazar was killed and Darius the Mede took over the kingdom of Babylon.  His elders had made rules for everyone to bow and worship a man made idol and Darius signed his approval.  Daniel could not bow down and he was therefore sentenced to execution and placed in a lions den.  God protected Daniel and he survived the night.  The king was amazed and Daniel gave full credit to God for keeping him safe.  Darius issued a decree acknowledging the God of Daniel as the “Living God”.  He tells all of the people in all of the kingdoms of Babylon that God’s kingdom endures forever and will not be destroyed.


Even when God’s people fail Him, God will find someone who is  faithful and willing to be used.  If there is no one, God will make himself known and be glorified.  Daniel trusted the Lord because he is the God of truth and righteousness.  He gave God all of the Glory for keeping him safe in the lions den.  Because of Daniels faithfulness and his public profession that God was the one who saves and endures, everyone in the Babylonian empire heard of the one true God how rescues, saves, performs wonders and will not be destroyed.  Our Heavenly Father provides opportunities for us to Stand Up For Him and testify that He is the Lord and Savior of our lives.  Let us seek these opportunities so others will know about the Lord of heaven and earth.


Lord give me courage to stand up for you publicly so others will know that you are the only true God.  Let me life be a testimony for you.