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Republic P-47D – Making the fuselage templates
The first step in scratch building this P-47D begins with the fuselage which will be made of pink foam. I am using drawings made by a friend and master builder who is helping me with this project. The templates for the fusel
Successful DC-3 Test Hop Finally Takes Place!
DC-3 Test Hop – She Flies! My scratch built DC-3 Test Hop finally happened. My radio controlled airplane made a (more or less) noneventful taxi test hop before I put the finishing touches on her. The aircraft is a b
Hide Servos In An RC Airplane – An Easy How To Guide
Hide Servos For a Cleaner Look Final assembly on your radio control model airplane means details including a good way to Hide Servos. My DC-3 project isn't really hiding the connecting rods from the servo to the control surfa
Use Doculam For Covering Your RC Airplane
doculam for covering your rc airplane Did you know you can use doculam for covering your rc airplane? For many years, modelers who build from scratch or kits are required to cover their foam or balsa projects with some sort
Complete Bible Summary
Experience The Whole Bible!90 Summary Devotionals
I read the entire Bible in 90 days and blogged about it.
Experience the best tasting coffee possible
Learn where to get your beans and how to roast themLearn to roast your own coffee!
Craft coffee like the pros!
Learn How To Scratch Build Your Own RC Fighter Plane!
See it built - Step by Step InstructionsHow to build a P-51 Mustang
Over 50 MPH!
DC-3 Engine Cowls – Taming the Top Flite Accessory
Old DC-3 Sitting Along Side Chino,CA Airport Real DC-3 airplanes are powered by two Wright R-1820 Cyclone radial piston engines. The radio controlled model I am building is powered by two E-Flite Power 15 electric motors ho
DC-3 Nacelles & Foam Sanding
Each of my DC-3 nacelle boxes are designed to house the landing gear, servo and speed control. Once assembled, the boxes are then mounted onto the wings. Then foam is glued on each of the 4 sides and then shaped to look like
Douglas DC-3 Retractable Landing Gear
Douglas DC-3 Retractable Landing Gear My scratch built Radio Controlled Douglas DC-3 is in progress and I am currently working on the cowls for the 86" wingspan transport/airliner. Usually, when a modeler uses retractable ge
Hot-Wire Foam Cutting Technique
Hotwire Power Supply Ready To GO People use foam to create all kinds of arts and crafts projects. Homecoming floats, replica sculptures and even building facades are made with foam. I use foam to build radio controlled airpl
Rather than post your comments, I welcome your thoughts or questions. You can write to me here.
3-View Drawings for the DC-3 Project
DC-3 3-Views Scratch building an RC airplane is a lot of fun and very rewarding. This DC-3 Project has been a great learning experience for me. I have scratch built a couple of aircraft from Mark Rittinger plans and they a
DC-3 Outer Wing Section
DC-3 Foam Cores Another update on the DC-3. The outer wing section has been made which now brings the DC-3 wingspan to a total of about 86″ (over 7 feet). Foam cores were cut using the same airfoil profile I us
Spektrum DX-7 Lipo Conversion
Spektrum DX-7 Transmitter The old days of worrying about getting your remote controlled airplane shot down by another pilot’s radio because of crossed frequencies is long past. Now, 2.4 ghz digital transmitters a
DC-3 Fuselage & Wing Center Section
It has been a while since I posted anything on my Douglas DC-3 progress. The foam fuselage has been completely assembled and the two main halves have been joined together. After more sanding it was fiberglassed using 1 ou