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Intro To Acts
The Acts Bible Study Introduction is a great way to get the bigger view of what the book is all about. As you will see below, we cover background info like who the subjects are, where all of this takes place, what happened, w
Acts Bible Study
Have you ever wanted to study the Bible? Maybe you want to learn how the Christian church began? The book of Acts (in the Bible) is the only historical narrative of the New Testament. That means it's the only book of the Bi
Jude v10-24 Personal Bible Study
In our last study, Jude said that God will judge the ungodly (false teachers). These false teachers “crept in, unnoticed”. Jude used 3 Old Testament examples of God’s judgment for the Ungodly: Exodus ̵
Jude v. 5-9 – Personal Bible Study
As we begin to read Jude v5-9, we remember that Jude introduced his letter to Christians, warning them about False Teachers, who once professed to be believers. Jude announces that they have crept into the church and are te
Complete Bible Summary
Experience The Whole Bible!90 Summary Devotionals
I read the entire Bible in 90 days and blogged about it.
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Jude v. 1-4 Beware of false teachers
I’m leading a bible study with a small group. We’re currently doing the book of Jude. This very short letter written by the half brother of Jesus is tucked away and rarely quoted but it offers a very practical
The Epistle of Jude – Introduction
I thought I would share my personal bible study of Jude. This easily overlooked letter found near the end of the New Testament is unique and offers the Christian a very clear lesson about false teachers. I begin all of my
Overcoming Sin and Temptation – Romans 8:13
Overcoming Sin and Temptation I am participating in a "read along" of a well known "Christian classic" written by John Owen. The Mortification of Sin, also known as Overcoming Sin & Temptation is a book about the duty of C
Is Eternity In Our Hearts?
Billions of Stars in Galaxy M82 Is eternity in our hearts? That natural curiosity, wondering if there is something more to life, is hard-coded into our innermost being. Questions like "why am I here?" or "where did we come
Rather than post your comments, I welcome your thoughts or questions. You can write to me here.
A 13 Week Journey
Is it life-changing? Reading the bible in 90 days with a small group of 20 people has been a wonderful journey. With 10 weeks under our belts and 3 to go, we are having a great time. It has been amazing to see lives transforme
What Is Faith And Why Do We Need It?
In the movie "Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade", there is a scene known as "Indy's Walk of Faith". Indy is on a quest to find the Holy Grail (cup of Christ) and in the process finds himself trying to save his father's li
SOAP Bible Study Method Is Easy & Effective – Learn How
The SOAP Bible Study Method Is Easy So you have an interest in reading the Bible but you don't know where to start? Maybe you have tried before and didn't get any anything out of it? These are very common concerns which cause
Creating A Shield With Illustrator
Recently I made this graphical image of a "Shield" using Adobe Illustrator. It was my first attempt and I think it turned out OK. There are plenty of YouTube video tutorials that provide step by step instructions for objects