Overcoming Sin and Temptation – Romans 8:13 Miguel2016-10-15T19:47:55-04:00 Overcoming Sin and Temptation I am participating in a "read along" of a well known "Christian classic" written by John O Overcoming Sin and Temptation – Romans 8:13Miguel2016-10-15T19:47:55-04:00
Removing Temptation – Day 35 Removing Temptation – Day 35 Removing Temptation – Day 35 Miguel2016-10-15T19:48:22-04:00 Nehemiah 1:1 - 13:14 Overview Today's reading begins in the book of Nehemiah. The exile is over and Nehemiah, the cup Removing Temptation – Day 35Miguel2016-10-15T19:48:22-04:00